Inc. Magazine has revealed its annual list of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies, for 2022 – Unilogic is part of it!

The annual ranking of the country’s fastest-growing private enterprises, created by Inc. magazine, has just been released and we are proud to announce that Unilogic is ranked in the top 13%!

The Inc. 5000 list is a distinguished ranking of the United States’ fastest-growing private firms. It offers a unique perspective on America’s most successful businesses.

This year’s award not only recognizes corporate growth but also acknowledges the collective effort of each company in one of the most challenging years ever seen in the market.

This time, resilience has been awarded.

Being on the list is a tribute to everyone at Unilogic – specifically their tenacity and investment into, what we call, human capital. Unilogic has believed, since day one, that people are the best investment that a company can make. We’ve been committed to providing premium-level service, as part of our customers’ growth. We are not only a supply chain partner but a true ally in each of the processes in which we collaborate. This recognition is a symbol that we are living up to our commitment.

Through hard work, sound decision-making, excellent leadership, and the extended network of stakeholders and team members today we can appreciatively acknowledge this recognition as a significant Unilogic Group milestone and  motivation to fuel our continued commitment to anticipating and exceeding the present and future needs of our customers.

Thank you for joining us in this special announcement, truly a shared recognition for a shared purpose.

The results of the Inc. 5,000, including company profiles and an interactive database that may be sorted by industry, geography, and other criteria. It can be found at

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We are proud to be a part of the Inc. 5000 List for 2023!