What is a Global Supply Chain?
Global Supply Chain Logistics is a term used in business today to describe all activities associated with moving goods and services from suppliers and raw…
Unilogic: 2020 vs 2021
Back in the ’70s and ’80s, thinking of what life could be in the year 2020 was amazing. Some thought that 2020 would bring flying cars or even the…
Unilogic’s Services are Unmatched
Unilogic’s Services are Unmatched Unilogic dominates global supply chain solutions Our mission statement is, “Unilogic is a leader in the supply chain market helping international and domestic enterprises with holistic solutions to become the most efficient and adequate bridge between them and their clients. Through their experienced staff, Unilogic helps develop and improve its customers’ […]
Unilogic Thriving Amidst Pandemic
As CEO of Unilogic I pride myself on creating an environment where people would want to work in. With over 19 years experience as an expert supply chain…
Now Hiring: Unilogic Sales Position
Unilogic , a supply chain services company, knew this was their opportunity to prove themselves. As a lifeline to many industries across the globe, I was…
Supply Chain News: Global Supply Chains Heavily Affected By COVID-19
The pandemic plunged nearly every industry into crisis with goods production and supply chains in particular were disrupted as various supply chain news…
3 Technology Advancements in the Supply Chain World
What’s coming? Here’s just peak at some of the innovate changes hitting small and large scale supply chain industries.
Preparing for The Future in Supply Chains
Supply chains across the world are being disrupted by COVID-19. Which leads to the question: how many companies are truly prepared for unexpected…
COVID-19 Update
COVID-19, also know as coronavirus is currently spreading across our country and our world. We know this time can be confusing, but it’s important to stay…
Coronavirus Disruptions
Coronavirus related transportation restrictions have caused a large percentage of U.S. companies to experience supply chain disruptions. Not only is the…